Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

Jeanne and Paul got married on Friday! It was nice to be apart of the whole event. Saturday we helped pack up the house and then I worked a few hours. We spent the evening at Darren & Doreen's and Lacy was there. Lacy and Darren will start omni drops next weekend and that got Jesse wanting to do it too. So we ordered him drops so he could get on the program. I started on Saturday! :)

The next day was Easter. We went to my mom's for brunch. Which was delicious as you can see. After that we went to see my sister at DSW since she had to work. We met Daniel over at the grandparents house and visited then ate dinner. James and Josh weren't there because they went to Colorado, but Amanda came with Madison. We found out that Amanda and James are having their second child! She is 6 weeks pregnant - due in December! How exciting for them! Madison is very excited to have a little brother/sister. We all went to Jeanne & Paul's new house for dessert and champagne to congratulate them on their new house and their marriage!

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