Thursday, January 8, 2015

Laundry Room to Bathroom

We have been in the process of remodeling our house since we bought it. Or should I call it fixing it up? Anyways, one of the areas we are working on is turning the laundry room into a second bathroom with a washer and dryer. It is actually going to get finished next week. We need to get sheet rock, paint, a fan, a heater, and finish adding the fixtures to the bathtub and sink. Once that is complete it will be done! So glad to get this done before baby comes. Construction around here always sucks as it seems to interfere with the plumbing and/or water. While they are working on this they will have to turn the water heater off/on some of the days as well as disconnect the washer and dryer. I can't wait to have the plumbing/laundry area/water heater not messed with for a long time. We have gone through having to repipe the whole house, having contractors here when there were no doors on the only bathroom, having tile put in bathrooms - thus removing toilets. All the while I am at home and pregnant. Luckily I didn't have a newborn with more laundry during this. Here is the progress so far:

This is what it looked like when we moved in:

Water Heater side
Washer and Dryer side
This is during the re-pipe of the whole house and to add plumbing to this room:
Water heater side
Facing the washer/dryer side. One door goes out the back and one goes to the house.
This is what the room currently looks like:
Water heater side - now includes new stackable w/d and a working toilet!! :)
Now there is a shower and a sink on the other side of the room!
You can see from the photos that we still need the insulation/walls, but you can also see the tile is done and it is coming along.

We have a contractor starting Monday to finish the room out so hopefully I can show a finished room at the end of next week! :) I'll also try to show other parts of the house and how we have transformed them.

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