Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 2 - Flats and Handwashing Challenge

Today's question is: What is in your stash?

Just to let you all know first, I did not buy anything extra for this challenge, so I used what I had. I know some people are using receiving blankets and flour sack towels, but since I already owned a whole stash of flats, that is what we used. I also wasn't going to go out and buy anything since my stash meets the requirements. 

My diapers:
  • 30 Green Mountain Diaper Organic Cloth-eez One-Size Flats - $75.00
  • 2 Large Hemp Doublers $7.50
My covers:
  • 3 Sloomb Wool Covers $144.00
  • 1 Disana Wool Cover $29.00
  • 1 Imse Vimse PUL cover $18.95 (was given this from a friend)
My accessories:
  • Bucket with lid $4.00
  • Plunger $1.50
  • 1 snappi $4.35
  • Rubber Gloves $2.00
The total comes to $286.30. If I was in a situation where I didn't have cloth diapers or much money, I would do the wool covers still, but use upcycled covers or much cheaper ones. I had already purchased these, so that's what I used. Also, my stash of 30 is probably a lot to use for this challenge, but I want to point out that I am planning to use them with our next baby, so I wanted to get a nice rotation of them, plus, newborns go through a TON of wet diapers! Emily has wet diapers every time I check her, even if it's been 5 mins since a change! 

I am trying to do wool full time, but when I started this challenge, Mother's Day was the day before and she got poo on 3 of her covers and I didn't have a chance to wash them until Monday so they were drying and I needed to add a PUL cover for just in case. :)

What is in your stash?

*I'll try to add photos later - I'm currently cooking 40lbs of ground beef and trying to hurry with that while baby sleeps! 

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