Monday, August 18, 2014

15 Weeks

15 weeks & 3 days 
How many weeks?: 15 Weeks

How big is baby?: Navel Orange - 4 inches & 2.5 ounces.

Gender: Unknown! 

Weight Gain: I have gained 4.8 pounds. 

Maternity Clothes: I don't have to wear any yet! I am still in summer dresses for work.

Nursery: It will be elephant themed (my favorite animal) with grey and white colors. We won't start the nursery until we move.

Symptoms: I am still getting sick here and there, but nothing too bad. 

Cravings: McDonald's french fries! Mmmm! Wait, am I having a boy?!

Sleep: Sleep is still normal. I wake up to pee nightly and use 4 pillows to sleep

What I Miss: Not being able to go on rides as the Puyallup fair is coming next month.

Best Moment This Week: I had a ton of energy the past week/weekend and the house house is clean! It's beautiful! I even had enough energy to make breakfast both weekend days, and then make homemade cinnamon rolls on Sunday! I'm on a roll...

What am I looking forward to?: Finding out the baby's gender next month!

Next Appointment: August 29th for a routine monthly appointment. 

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